Annual Train Registration

Annual Train Registration

Use this form to complete the required annual registration for your Train.  (Send us an email if you don't remember your train number)
You will need the Boys’ names, grade in school, and an email address for their parent. To assist you we have made it possible for you to save a draft and come back to complete the process.

Annual Train Registration Form

Annual Train Registration Form

Annual Train Registration is required by all Trains in Lutheran Pioneers. The Pioneer year begins on August 1, and ends on July 31.
Trains are expected to complete the Annual Train Registration by October 31 of each year. This registration serves two distinct purposes.
1) Annual Train Registration is how we keep the lines of communication open between the trains, the families, and the national office. It's how we know who you are and can serve you better.
2) Annual Train Registration is how we keep Lutheran Pioneers operating. This annual registration is how Annual Train Fees are computed. Annual Train fees are computed at $20.00 per boy up to a maximum of $200 per train per year.
Train fees are waived for the first year or partial year that a Train is active after being chartered, and may be waived for other reasons by contacting the National Office.

Additional Leaders (click on Add if more than one)

Boys (parents) listing and email addresses

Enter info for each boy in your train - Click on "Add" to enter all additional boys. The PRIMARY purpose of this step is to collect the parents email address for direct communication of National Level Events. If you choose not to complete this step, it will be your responsibility to forward National Level Event information to all families in your train.

How do you wish to pay your Annual Train Fees?

Lutheran Pioneers uses Paypal for card processing.

After clicking submit you will be taken to the Paypal processing page.  It is not necessary to have a Paypal account, simply scroll down to where it says " ----or---- and select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"