Stars are formed initially from gas and dust. They are composed mainly of the hydrogen gas. They are very hot and give off huge amounts of energy in the form of heat and light. Our Sun is a medium sized star. Stars Are very far away from Earth. The closest Star is about 23.5 trillion miles away. Stars go through many stages in their lifetime. Some of the names for these stages are Red Giant, Planetary Nebulae, White Dwarf, Neutron and even Black Holes.
If you observe a planet, say Mars, for one complete revolution, you will see that it passes successively through 12 constellations. All planets (except Pluto at certain times) can be observed only in these 12 constellations, which form the so-called zodiac, and the Sun also moves through the zodiacal signs, though the Sun’s apparent movement is actually caused by the movement of Earth.
Although the constellations are due mainly to the optical accident of line of sight and have no real significance, astronomers have retained them as reference areas. It is much easier to speak of a star in Orion than to give its geometrical position in the sky. There are 88 recognized constellations.
The 88 Recognized Constellations
In astronomical works, the Latin names of the constellations are used. The letter N or S following the Latin name indicates whether the constellation is located to the north or south of the Zodiac. The letter Z indicates that the constellation is within the Zodiac.
Latin name | Letter | English version |
Andromeda | N | Andromeda |
Antlia | S | Airpump |
Apus | S | Bird of Paradise |
Aquarius | Z | Water Bearer |
Aquila | N | Eagle |
Ara | S | Altar |
Aries | Z | Ram |
Auriga | N | Charioteer |
Boötes | N | Herdsmen |
Caelum | S | Sculptor’s Tool |
Camelopardalis | N | Giraffe |
Cancer | Z | Crab |
Canes Venatici | N | Hunting Dogs |
Canis Major | S | Great Dog |
Canis Minor | S | Little Dog |
Capricornus | Z | Goat (or SeaGoat) |
Carina | S | Keel (of Argo)1 |
Cassiopeia | N | Cassiopeia |
Centaurus | S | Centaur |
Cepheus | N | Cepheus |
Cetus | S | Whale |
Chameleon | S | Chameleon |
Circinus | S | Compasses |
Columba | S | Dove |
Coma Berenices | N | Berenice’s Hair |
Corona Australis | S | Southern Crown |
Corona Borealis | N | Northern Crown |
Corvus | S | Crow (Raven) |
Crater | S | Cup |
Crux | S | Southern Cross |
Cygnus | N | Swan |
Delphinus | N | Dolphin |
Dorado | S | Swordfish (Goldfish) |
Draco | N | Dragon |
Equuleus | N | Filly |
Eridanus | S | Eridanus (river) |
Fornax | S | Furnace |
Gemini | Z | Twins |
Grus | S | Crane |
Hercules | N | Hercules |
Horologium | S | Clock |
Hydra | N | Sea Serpent |
Hydrus | S | Water Snake |
Indus | S | Indian |
Lacerta | N | Lizard |
Leo | Z | Lion |
Leo Minor | N | Little Lion |
Lepus | S | Hare |
Libra | Z | Scales |
Lupus | S | Wolf |
Lynx | N | Lynx |
Lyra | N | Lyre (Harp) |
Mensa | S | Table (mountain) |
Microscopium | S | Microscope |
Monoceros | S | Unicorn |
Musca | S | Southern Fly |
Norma | S | Rule (straightedge) |
Octans | S | Octant |
Ophiuchus | N | Serpent-Bearer |
Orion | S | Orion |
Pavo | S | Peacock |
Pegasus | N | Pegasus |
Perseus | N | Perseus |
Phoenix | S | Phoenix |
Pictor | S | Painter (or his Easel) |
Pisces | Z | Fishes |
Piscis Austrinus | S | Southern Fish |
Puppis | S | Poop (of Argo)1 |
Pyxis | S | Mariner’s Compass |
Reticulum | S | Net |
Sagitta | N | Arrow |
Sagittarius | Z | Archer |
Scorpius | Z | Scorpion |
Sculptor | S | Sculptor |
Scutum | N | Shield |
Serpens | N | Serpent |
Sextans | S | Sextant |
Taurus | Z | Bull |
Telescopium | S | Telescope |
Triangulum | N | Triangle |
Triangulum Australe | S | Southern Triangle |
Tucana | S | Toucan |
Ursa Major | N | Big Dipper2 |
Ursa Minor | N | Little Dipper3 |
Vela | S | Sail (of Argo)1 |
Virgo | Z | Virgin |
Volans | S | Flying Fish |
Vulpecula | N | Fox |
1. The original constellation Argo Navis (the Ship Argo) has been divided into Carina, Puppis, and Vela.
2. The Big Dipper is only a part of the constellation Ursa Major (Great Bear) and is not a constellation by itself.
3. The Little Dipper is called Ursa Minor (Little Bear).