Backup Knot
You will need to start with a knot, we will use the square knot pictured below
Wrap the free end twice around the standing rope and the working part of the free end, working back toward the primary knot.
Feed the free end back through the loops just made.
Pull free end to tighten backup knot down onto standing line
Sheep Shank
Fold the rope to approximately the desired new length.
Form a Half Hitch in one standing end, drop it over the adjacent bight, and tighten it.
Form a Half Hitch in the other standing end, drop it over its adjacent bight,
and then tighten it too. Apply the load carefully. If you apply the load to quickly the knot will slip.
Constrictor Hitch
Tie a clove hitch.
Tuck the working end under the rope in the clove hitch as shown.
Finish up. You have a constrictor; just pull tight both ends and the knot will be firmly in place.
Mooring Hitch
Mooring Hitch is a good temporary knot. Can be released quickly with a tug on the free end. The Mooring Hitch holds fast under load yet comes apart instantly with a pull of the tag end. It can be tied up tight to an object or anywhere along the length of the rope so you can reach and release it without getting off your horse or out of your boat.
- Make a turn around a post and then form a loop with the free end exiting the loop on the inside (leave longer free end than illustrated).
- Grasp the standing line and pull a section through your loop.
- Grasp a section of the free end (but not the very end) and pull part way through the new loop.
- Tighten the knot by pulling down on the standing line. Release the knot by pulling the free end
Rolling Hitch
Pass the end around the main (red) rope to make a Half Hitch. Continue around going over the first turn. Tuck the rope between the standing end and the first turn. Tighten to make it secure (this introduces a slight dog-leg in the main rope). Continue around to add a final Half Hitch.
Timber Hitch
Pass the rope completely around the piece of wood.
Pass the running end around the standing part of the rope to form a loop. Bring that same end through the loop.
Make three turns around the loop (forming twists) and then pull on the standing part to tighten.
Make sure you double the rope back onto itself before the three turns, or the knot won’t hold.
Honda Knot
A honda knot is the loop knot commonly used in a lasso. Its round shape, especially when tied in stiff rope, helps it slide freely along the rope it is tied around. To tie, first place an overhand knot in the end of the rope.
Then tie a second overhand knot,
Pass the running end of the rope through it, ………and tighten.